Karnataka Tourism : Best places to visit Karnataka

places to visit Karnataka

Places to see in Karnataka

Area of Karnataka State is 1,91,791 sq. Km. Is there. The capital of this state is Bangalore and the truth is that this state has been divided into 27 districts. The total population of this state is 5,27,33,958, of which the male population is 2,68,65,343 and the female population is 2,58,77,651. Here the sex ratio is 964, the population is 275, the population growth is 17.25% and the literacy is 67.04% (male -76%, female -57.4%). The main language of the state of Karnataka is Kannada.

1 Maisur mandir karnatak


The former capital was created by Vijay Yadav, son-in-law of Maharaj of Mysore. This town of gardens is a Nandan Kanan of Darshannathis. The ambient ambiguous sandalwood sandalwood makes the environment drunk. In Karnataka, all the beauty of the beauty of the beautiful city goes to the historic kings because they were decorated with the city’s most beautifully constructed state-of-the-art temples, ghats, roads and temples.

2 Mysore sinhasan karnatak


This Rajmohan is famous for his unique architecture. Sheesh of this palace is well decorated with 18 carat gold and its color is Jogia. The world-famous throne is a weight of 280 kilograms of precious stones in the courtroom. Unmatched workmanship has been done on the pillars of the chamber. Beautiful paintings have been done on the rooftops. The doors are made of copper. The floor design is also unmatched; the work of elephant teeth and precious stones on jewelery is also unmatched.

3 Krishnaraja sagar bandh karnatak


Built in 1911-1931, the specialty of this dam is that the cement has not been used in its construction. The dam is made of stones.

4 Somnathpur karnatak


Attraction of the area in the visitors is due to two ancient temples established here. Prasanna Chenna Keshav Temple and Pateleshwar Ling Idol

5 Pataleshvar link karnatak


This shivaling day passes along with its color keeps changing. At dawn it keeps red color, in the evening it is yellow and in the evening it changes to white.

6 Prasanna chenna keshav mandir karnatak


This temple view is very delightful. In the murals, the pictures of Ramayana Kali stories are important. On the strong shoulder of Vishnu vehicle Garunaraj, Lord Narayana himself is armed with his half-maternal mother Lakshmi. Devraj Indra is accompanied by his wife, his divine elephant, Earavat, along with Ganapati Ganapati Ganapati Ganapati is in the currency of dance.

7 Bandipur karnatak


Under this project, tigers, cheetahs, bears, etc., wild animals live in the region. The concerned officials have made good arrangements to keep close watch of these wild animals from the watch towers.

8 Belur karnatak

belur karnatak

The Chennai Keshav Temple, which is located here, establishes its own identity, because it has been constructed out of the traditional architectural style. The magnificent statue of God Vishnu worshiped originally in the temple is 2 meters high. There are also statues of Mother Lakshmi and Bhudevi too.

9 Ganga nadi karnatak


The eighty-year-old son of the ascetic, who became famous as Jagatguru Adi Shankaracharya during the time of his establishment, was the first of the four Shankaracharya monasteries established during his visit to India. It is located in the monastery on the banks of the Tunga river of Shrungari. Is the place.

10 Chamundi pahad karnatak


This mountain is 13 km from Mysore. Located at a distance of 1062 km from the sea level. The 7-storey Gopuram built on this mountain peak is the main center for tourists. Mother Chamunda is inferior. A new statue of Rajshraj Mahishasur has been built near the temple. This magnificent temple is built by King Krishnaraja.

11 Saundatti karnatak


This is a Hindu pilgrimage place. Here the terrible Goddess Thalamma is full, before worshiping Satyamma Kunda in place of the Satyamma temple, after performing the southward progression of the original temple is the custom of the mother’s look in beauty. The place of worship here is in the hands of the hijras.

12 Bijapur mahjid karnatak


This city was founded by Adilkhan in 1489. The main attraction of this place was the Upli Burj, the owner of a ground Acharya, the perfect masjid Jama Masjid and the Gokul dome were all visible. Boss-e-Maidan, Asar-e-Sharif, Junk Masjid, Jama Masjid and Gol Gumbal.

13 Harihar shiv murti karnatak


Hari says Lord Vishnu and every other. Lord Shiva’s statue of Vishnu and Shiva is present in the temple of Harihareshwar.

14 Belgaum city karnatak


This is a Chhavni city. Famous for the Fort, Masjid, Jain Temple and Waterfalls. Seeing the mosque, temple and fort on one side, the mind is blissful, and on the other side, the Jharkari runs in the body after seeing the velocity falling on the other side. Belgaum has a lot of reputation among the visitors.

15 Mangalore karnatak


This coastal city is the main port. The beauty of the beautiful port city of natural beauty is for Mangla Devi Temple, Sultans Battery, Udipi etc.

16 Udupi karnatak


This is a Krishna temple. It is made of silver metal. Not only this, a gift given to Shri Krishna God by Shri Vidhadhaman Tirtha Swamiji has been placed here in Karnataka, which is worth crores of rupees

17 Mangla devi mandir karnatak


Here is the statue of Mother Mangla Devi, which is named after this city. Nearby Manjunath Shiva temple and Pandava cave are also visible. One should also see the divine power of reducing the pain of Karnataka’s incurable skin disease.

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